Monday, August 10, 2015

Life Happens

So it's been exactly a month since my last blog post and I gotta say this wasn't intentional. I have no plans on making this a monthly blog, it just kind of happened this month. Between Lindsay and I being sick, tons of church activities and Mistie and Chico (sister-in-law and brother-in-law) surprising us from Abu Dhabi, it has been pretty chaotic. I guess I kind of let time get away from me, but for good reason. Anyways, I promise to post more frequently and to get more videos up soon :)

Now look, I know that all you professional bloggers have a set schedule. That you post on certain days and participate in tons of linkies, which is cool, I've got no beef with you. How could I? My wife is practically a professional blogger and Lord knows I don't want to start beef with her...that's just a battle I cannot win so why try, am I right!?! What I'm getting at is that although I will try to post on set schedules I cannot guarantee a post. You see sometimes life happens and I am a big proponent of putting the tablet, computer, phone, or whatever you use down and soaking up life from time to time. I'm not saying that y'all don't, I'm just saying that I go hardcore when I a month between posts hardcore, lol. Again these were special circumstances so don't expect my posts to be that far apart again, unless this happens again...which is unlikely, at least for awhile. But seriously put the tech down and enjoy the peeps around you from time to time, you won't regret it....unless you put your phone down and then they hijack your camera. God I love my sister-in-laws.

 *Random Dog Pics...enjoy :)*

So as many of you know ALL Cubans love dominoes. It's practically our national pastime, second only to baseball. I grew up playing dominoes and bones which is played using dominoes. But apparently there are more ways to play dominoes...yes it's true. The game is called Mexican Train and it has changed my life forever. Now apparently I was the only one left in the dark because everyone I know, knows about this game...WTH people! How could you knowingly keep this from me for so long! Anyways, we recently played and of course me using my competitive advantage which happens to be that I'm Cuban, won...sure I lost the second game but that was just for fun :P. Regardless, I am now sooooo addicted to this game, if you haven't played it, I highly suggest it for family game night or gatherings of any sort. It plays up to 8 people, 7 of which you may no longer be friends with by the end of the night, lol!

Finally, how can I have a blog post without mentioning some sort of food? The answer is simply that I can't. Now, although we didn't make these decadent beauties it didn't stop them from being delicious. Pictured below are the goodies we picked up from Sweet by Holly Cupcakes during a somewhat impromptu trip to Orlando. Ryan and Jess-e-San (as we like to call her) introduced us to the former Cupcake Wars contestant's bakery and man was it good. We ordered a Key Lime, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Toasted Coconut, and Heath Bar cupcake. No complaints were uttered as we shoved these goodies in our mouths as they served as perfect distractions after a horrendous drive through Orlando traffic. BTW, they do deliver locally so check and see if there is one in your area and try them out...

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